Canyonlands National Parks App
My goal for this app was to be able to create an easy-to-use application that mimics the National Parks Service website. I wanted people to be able to use this app to check the weather, see a map, reserve a camping spot, etc.
I started by brainstorming how I wanted it to look and what I wanted it to include. I wanted to keep things as simple as possible as to not overwhelm.
Here is what I came up with for what I wanted to include in my final design.
I then created some artboards in sketch with how I wanted to flow to work. Nothing too fancy.
I also was able to download some icons for free on the web and used them in creating my navigation.
While I was creating my artboards, I was using the website as inspiration for the individual pages. I also was able to sync my artboards to InVision using the Craft plugin, to make the prototyping process a lot smoother.
I ended up deleting some of the artboards to keep things a lot simpler, especially when prototyping because I know InVision isn’t perfect or as fancy as I would like.
Here is a link to my prototype:
Over all this project was really fun! I feel like I was able to accomplish my goal to make this just an extension of the website but more user friendly.